Aruu Falls

After waking up at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, we packed up the rig and opted for the easy breakfast option at Kabalega diner, before hitting the road toward our final destination of Kidepo National Park. We took a short break in Gulu, where we picked up lunch, and took it with us for a picnic at Aruu Falls. The plan was for a short, pleasant lunch with a view before driving on to Kitgum, where we would pitch our tent in the gardens of Acaki Lodge. But, our stay at the falls was extended, simply because they were too inviting not to explore. Leo kept begging to go in the water, but we had not brought any extra clothes down the steep and slippery path to the falls, so I kept telling him no.

He begged to at least put his feet in.

Fine. I agreed. Your feet.

Soon, his pant legs were rolled up and he was in up to his knees. Well, I didn’t want his pants to get wet, so I told him he might as well take them off. Then he was wading in deeper, nearly up to his waist, and his shirt would soon get wet, so off that came, too. Of course, his little brother couldn’t just watch all the fun without joining in and soon we had 2 kids in underwear/diapers and I had my pant legs rolled up, assisting Pax in climbing over the slippery rocks.

We didn’t regret it. The sun was scorching and the water was refreshing. We had more than a scenic view for a picnic. Instead, we had a small, but fun adventure.

While navigating the rock path on the way back to the car, Leo demanded to know when we were coming back.